Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

post 10 Was worth independence?

In my opinion it was not worth the violence. This is because many people suffered the consequences. Also because it's not fair that they had to suffer when they didn't do anything.It was not worth losing peoples live just because we wanted independence.They could have gotten independence without killing people.Even if they killed people and didn't get the independence that would have just made them look like criminals!


America Revolution is a drug addict trying to recover. At first the problem is hard and it seem that you won't make it. It was a fight to get our independence the way a addict fights with himself to get better. Its a healing process and a fight everyday to to exceed on to next day.Its was hard and difficult but at the end they will succeed.

Ways to protest

  1. You can go on a strike
  2. you can get a petition
  3. You can boycott
  4. You can protest
  5. Make angry letters and send them
  6. Make prank calls
  7. Form angry mobs
  8. Threaten in the angry letters
  9. Don't pay taxes
  10. Refuse to work


Colonists had many good reason to gain independence. They had no say in anything they had no voice. Solider live in their house and had no privacy. England is raising their taxes on almost everything. People were tired of being boss around they wanted to be an independent country. People did not agree on the laws they have provided and they could not do anything about it

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

why the colonists had bad reasons to gain independence.

Besides having good reasons to have independence there were bad ones too.some that saw it as bad were loyalist.A reason would be why leave a country that had protected you before coming to America. It was as if they were ashamed and had no pride for Great Britain. the British government did whatthey thought was right , some might have said.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We deserve our independence we do not agree with your laws you have provided us. It's not fair to us to pay taxes on a war we do not believe in. You have had to much control over us. The acts you have passed are not fair to us and only benefit you. We don't have any privacy. People live in homes tat we don't even know.

Monday, September 8, 2008


  1. strike
  2. protest
  3. march
  4. petition
  5. don't pay taxes
  6. tag
  7. posters
  8. angry letters
  9. angry mobs
  10. throw tea off a boat
  11. don't follow laws
  12. riot
  13. boy cot tea
14.refuse working

Thursday, September 4, 2008


What is freedom and when is it when someone attained freedom.
Freedom is when someone has rights to do things. They have a voice to speak and that they are not over controlled. That the people have laws but you have freedom to chose how you want to live your life. Someone attains freedom when they have nothing left to lose. When they fight for it and gain it.


A group becomes a nation when it is separated from every one else.They have different privileges then other people and they have their own way of doing things. Their religion is different then any other nation and not every one can join in it. They are separated from others and they live in their own specific place. They have and follow their own laws and believes . They will have a government instead of using the countries. They become a nation when they have followers. They also believe that they are their own nation when the others don't.